
Monday, September 30, 2019

Motivational Case Studies Essay

I believe in the â€Å"Two Men and a Truck† case study, the motivational theory that Mrs. Sheets’ uses is the goal setting theory. Her initial goal was to help support her sons’ part-time jobs. She created a marketing campaign, although she may not have seen it as such, by designing the stick figure drawing that is still being used today in the company. As a single mother, she did not want to turn away the phone calls that continued to be received, even after her sons went away to college and therefore, she purchased an inexpensive truck and hired two workers to maintain the business operations. Mrs. Sheets expanded the company and set out a goal of being the most customer-friendly moving company. To assist with this goal, she arranged trainings for her employees, and franchisee employees, where they learn basic customer service tools and how to be a high-functioning team member. These tools include how to properly answer the phone and to always shake the customer’s hand when the work is completed. She also asks employees to complete a survey card so the organization can use the feedback as coaching opportunities. All of these tools helped Mrs.  Sheets’ company become one of the most successful moving companies in the area. In the Siemens case study, the motivational theory that is described is Management by objectives. Mr. Kleinfield took over a Siemens unit in 1998 and immediately requested a change in work shifts, including working weekends. The employees were shocked by what was being requested but also recognized that due to a competitor, their jobs were in jeopardy from a lack of production. Mr. Kleinfield expressed an interest in the work being performed by being in the factory and asking questions related to the operations. This interest helped win over the employees and with the new schedules, production times were cut from six weeks to one. Although the employees did not know what was going on, Mr. Kleinfield recognized what the ultimate goal of the production facility was and put a plan into action as soon as he took it over to make it a success. By demonstrating this leadership, he ultimately was offered the CEO position, even though he never worked in any facility for very long, especially as a Consultant, but did have experience in every department that was associated with Siemens.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Summary Of A Visit Of Grandmother

Chill's uncle, trades a horse for a chair. His grandmother even rides the horse and the horse almost loses control, which she thinks that Is amusing and a funny experience. Then, she asks Charles, Chic's father, if he remembers how tired they are. However, Charles is not present when his mother rides the horse and complains that she loves his rather more than him, because of their skin color differences.He yells, â€Å"If GAL and I did something wrong, you'd beat me first†¦ But if I wanted you to do something with me, you were always too busy. † Charlie's mother thinks she may have treated them differently, but thinks Charles is smarter to understand that. Charles returns to his room. Meanwhile, GAL, his brother, who is eager to meet with Charles, comes back. In the article, † A Visit to Grandmother†, which was published in the Dancer on theShore in 1964, William Melvin Kelley writes about Chic's experience of visiting his grandmother with his father. The stor y begins with Chic's father expressing an interest in attending a class reunion. The decision to visit Chic's grandmother is casual and unplanned, although they have not seen each other for thirty years. Upon visit. During their dinner, his grandmother tells a story about how GAL, Chic's uncle, almost loses control, which she thinks that is amusing and a funny experience. Then,

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ethnic Conflict Essay

Ethnic Conflicts are a very important issue that can affect a whole country/state. Ethnic conflicts within a state belong to identity conflicts that are a type of internal conflicts. Sometimes the term ethnic conflict is used to describe a large range of internal conflicts .Before talking about ethnic conflict, it is important to know the meaning of ethnicity. . Ethnic groups usually have collectivity or psychological communities who share a combination of historical experience and valued cultural traits – beliefs, culture and religion, language, ways of life, a common homeland . Ethnic conflicts can be defined as conflicts between ethnic groups within a multi-ethnic state, which have been going on some time. Many ethnic conflicts result in a significant loss of life, a serious denial of basic human rights and considerable material destruction, some escalating into inter ethnic or internal war. The desire for secession or independence from an existing state, the demand for greater power within a state, or recognition and protection of minority interest within a society are three general issues of ethnic conflicts. An ethnic conflict is usually between two major groups fighting for the power or sovereignty of a country, state, or territory. The protagonists in the most intense ethnic conflicts want to establish their independence . A minority group might insist on seceding and establishing its own independent state. It might demand an independent state within a confederation of states, or might insist on an independent political entity within a new federal structure. The antagonist ethnic groups will not be able to agree on new constitutional ideas or a peaceful separation because the group does not want to lose its power over the other group. These kind of ethnic disputes consequently become violent, some escalate into all out war which tears the country/state apart.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The views and perceptions of students and mentors regarding mentorship Dissertation

The views and perceptions of students and mentors regarding mentorship role - Dissertation Example The shortage of nursing staff has simultaneously reduced the faculty available for mentoring. However as peer mentoring has been found to be a feasible solution to the many challenges by several researchers there is no other option but to enforce practical solutions. The promotion of the concept of peer mentoring provides an overall answer. The stress on education and the burden on the limited number of faculty could be lessened through increasing the opportunity for peer mentoring. Mentorship or preceptorship has become an essential strategy of nursing education for the preparation of nursing students for the profession (Smedley, 2008). Researchers have made suggestions to overcome hurdles and promote peer mentoring. Nurses could mentor other nurses and students could mentor their juniors apart from the usual concept where lecturers and nurse educators mentored nursing students (Dennison, 2007). The mentors were to be supported by other staff and clinical colleagues. Exceptional aca demic and clinical skills determined whether a nurse or nursing student could be a mentor. The vast literature on the subject of mentorship, which kept changing its features, has opened my eyes to this problem of mentorship in nursing needing speedy resolution. The future of nursing, quality care and client satisfaction depended on the ethical practices for assessment of the clinical abilities or skills of a nursing student (Gopee, 2008). The general trend highlights the vital role of the clinical staff nurses in the mentoring of students into competent leaders of the future and custodians of safe and efficient patient care. However the problem that nurses have not fully grasped the significance of their roles... The paper tells that a significant requirement of nurse education was the presence and support of a preceptor who played a key role in the integration and growth of nursing students towards the profession. The benefits of the learning experiences were mutual for both the preceptor and the student nurse. The hospital, the community and mental health centers were the different settings where the guidance of the preceptor had a role in shaping the student nurse for further experiences in the profession. Her observation and supervision enhanced the abilities of the student and equipped them with problem-solving habits. Socialization was the technique that the preceptor used to help the nurse student to notice the link between theory and practice, a great responsibility. The preceptor meanwhile has her own experience of being a successful preceptor adding a new feather in her cap. The preceptor’s selfless attitude in nursing would be emulated by her students and this further instil led in her the power of her additional responsibility and prowess in her profession. The preceptor planned the time management, prioritization of care and delegation of work. Smedley and Penney had advocated a preceptor’s course for registered nurses which improved their skills for preceptorship to produce a learning relationship in their work setting. The mentored nursing students would advance in professional skills, elevating their knowledge and gradually changing their attitudes to the profession through an action-learning process.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Emergency Medicine Concepts and Principles Research Paper

Emergency Medicine Concepts and Principles - Research Paper Example Emergencies – Emergencies, on the other hand are events which usually threaten public health, safety, and welfare (Department of Environmental Management, n.d). These incidents differ from each other in terms of size, location, and their causes, as well as impact; however, despite these considerations, they usually all impact negatively on the environment. Emergencies are also considered as unexpected events which impact negatively on the lives and properties of people, and eventually they prompt the use of community emergency and routine responses as well as procedures (Emergency Management Institute, n.d). Examples for emergencies include: forest fires, outbreaks of diseases, road blocking landslides, and floods covering towns and farms (Central Coast Center Independent Living, n.d). In Australia, in the two landslides which occurred from 1939 to 2007, about 28 individuals were killed and 101 other individuals significantly impacted (CRED, 2007). Wildfires numbering 28 were seen from 1939 to 2007, this caused the death of 300 people, and caused damages amounting to about 1.2 million US dollars (CRED, 2007). Disasters – Disasters are â€Å"a condition or situation of significant destruction, disruption and/or distress to a community† (Emergency Management Australia (2004, p. ix). In a similar vein, the United Nations (1992) consider disasters to be incidents which seriously interrupt the normal activities of society as they cause significant human and environmental losses – more than what can normally be handled by the community resources. Beachley (2005) enumerated the following as disasters: floods, extreme range of temperatures, epidemics, multiple car crashes, and environmental contamination through chemical agents. In... There are various principles and concepts which define and govern disasters and emergencies. Basically, disasters and emergencies are unexpected events which have a significant effect on various individuals and large communities. These disasters impact significantly on the lives of many people. They bring about physical as well as psychological effects. Emergency management helps authorities cope with these disasters and it helps people recover and prepare for these emergencies. Emergency management is important because most communities face a persistent hazard and risk for losses from emergencies and disasters. These hazards may come in the form of natural threats like floods, cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis; it also includes technological hazards like chemical, biological, and radiological threats. Australia is situated in an earthquake prone region which it at a continuous threat from earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as volcanic eruptions. It is also in a region likely to be hit by storms which lead to floods and landslides. It s humid temperature also places it at a higher risk for suffering bushfires. With adequate planning and coordination, the prevention and management of these incidents are ensured. The prepared communities are communities which have managed to make the necessary plans for these emergencies. The systems in this community are coordinated and the local as well as national agencies are linked with each other. With these plans in place, it is possible for people and communities to minimise the impact of disasters and emergencies.

The wrongs of Obama Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The wrongs of Obama Care - Research Paper Example es to develop as they tend to have a lesser margin of profit and does not have extra costs compared to large businesses.4 Under these conditions, it can be implied that such act as the Obamacare could only generate a negative impact towards the health care system and it even makes erroneous government programs towards the workers employed in small businesses that do not support health insurance. Similarly, Nina Bernstein of the New York Times reported that the Affordable Care Act establishes state exchanges in reducing the cost of commercial health insurance, however, it needs a proof of citizenship or legal immigration status by the immigrants in order to â€Å"take part and apply for Medicaid benefits† provided under the law.5 This essay seeks to discuss and analyze the essential components characterized by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Obamacare as recognized by most people. These features include funding, regulation, taxing, and individual mand ate, wherein President Obama himself considers such legislation to be favorable and beneficial to the US economy. 2.0 Funding In one of the latest news concerning Obamacare, John Fund reported that the plan to cut $200 billion from Medicare Advantage and use the money in subsidizing the coverage of expansion to millions of Americans uninsured in the government’s program for the poor, or Medicaid is one of the misleading falsehood or deceptions of Obamacare, wherein such deception remains to be concealed as the US presidential election is fast approaching.6 Accordingly, the administration also plans to direct an approximately $8.3 billion to the Medicare Advantage, which according to the news, is sufficient to compensate about 71 percent of the cuts intended for the program this year and until 2014. However, California Representative, Darrell Issa says that the attempt to direct $8.3 billion into the Medicare Advantage is the primary reason to hide the possible trouble of havi ng a $200-billion cut, and the so-called â€Å"demonstration project,† as Representative Issa noted, is a â€Å"political fiction† that can be used in buying the votes of the electorate in this year’s upcoming election.7 Unfortunately, the probabilities of implementing Obamacare and be legally enforced into the health care system will eventually compel the seniors to retract to the traditional system of Medicare at an expense greater than the current one, and in the long run, this could spur doubts on President Obama’s statement that under such law, anyone who supports his program on health insurance are capable of sustaining it.8 As provided under section 1311-1313 of the Act,9

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answer the questions - Essay Example Operations managers make use of appropriate operations strategies to deal with the overall business strategy designed by the top management of a company. â€Å"Operational strategy begins with defining your business in terms of the present opportunity in relation to the customer and product of the business† (Wasmund 2006). The management of operational activities, which accepts inputs in order to delivers usable outputs, is called operations management (Sankaranrayanan 2011). Operations management incorporates the use of both operational efficiency and operational strategy to manage the business operations. Operational efficiency is related to the completion of tasks in an appropriate manner whereas operational strategy is the set of plans, which are developed to achieve competitive advantage in the market. A key point regarding operations strategy is that it is developed after development of the business strategy to establish a right path, which includes a sequence of decisio ns that makes a business achieve all goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. The operational activities included in the operations strategy play role of the competitive weapons, which can be used to achieve competitive advantage in the market. ... Workplace analysis refers to the evaluation of business operations and the physical environment of a workplace. Managers can analyze the workplace by identifying all sorts of risks and hazards associated with the overall workplace environment of a company. Workplace analysis provide many benefits to a company, such as, prevention of workplace accidents and employee injuries, identification of risks and steps for the elimination of those risks, creation of a safe workplace environment, and installation of safety mechanisms in the workplace. Workplace analysis is a step-based procedure, which involves four different stages. In the first stage, the management reviews the previous injury and hazard records related to the workplace. The review makes the management know the basic aspects of the workplace related accidents, which include nature of the injuries, workplace equipment, and the time at which the accidents took place. Next step is to use the reviews to identify all possible hazar ds and risks. After identification of hazards, the management evaluates the workplace equipment, employee behaviors, and workstations to know the causes of the accidents. In the last step, the management identifies all possible ways to eliminate, contain, or reduce the occurrence of workplace hazards. Devil is in the detail refers to the concept of identifying hidden elements which can cause some specific incident. â€Å"In one sense, one might say â€Å"the devil's in the details† to refer to very small but ultimately important components of a larger task† (Smith 2011). This phrase is used to explain small details of a large incident. In workplace settings, this concept is used to identify the reasons behind any specific workplace incident. Explain How Demands

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lighting design makes the stage real and bigger Essay

Lighting design makes the stage real and bigger - Essay Example These lights were also turned down to set the mood and to create the emotion in the audience when scenes took on a more serious tone or hinted at romanticism. These primary colors, when combined, were used to create different colors outside of the primary group, including cyan, magenta, and yellow so as to express details more vividly during the production. Using the different color combinations, the lighting design was able to blend both elements of fantasy with realism. Because â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† has likely been an audience favorite since the 16th Century, it is necessary to create the sense of majesty and awe deserving of the production, thus switching back and forth between more subtle colors and more vibrant colors manages to pay homage to the play and to the characters performing on stage. The background lighting, especially, served to enhance the overall size of the stage and make the performers and the various props used for the play seem bigger and more majestic. A large white screen is utilized during the production which is backlit by similar colors to those in the play’s foreground. For example, when the play’s characters are performing a scene in the forest, the background light is turned to a vibrant green so as to illustrate the feelings and sensations accompanied by forest life as well as creating the sensation of fantasy. During one particular scene, when the play’s characters are having a celebration in a beautiful palace, the aforementioned white screen is lit to orange to capture the sensations of joy and happiness in a celebratory atmosphere. This lighting scheme created the illusion that the stage had become quite larger (much like a palace’s interior rooms) and made the audience feel as if they were actually part of a medieval celebration. Had the white screen been lit to a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analyzing a company an dmaking comparisons Research Paper

Analyzing a company an dmaking comparisons - Research Paper Example An analysis of activity ratios and profitability ratios of both companies i.e. ENERSYS and EXIDE is conducted for time period from 2010-2011. The first ratio calculated is profit margin, which is Net Profit/Total Revenue. Net profit margin/Total Revenue is an important measure of profitability and tells how much a company has earned after it has paid off all its expenses. So ENERSYS profitability is calculated to estimate where ENERSYS currently stands in comparison to its competitors. ENERSYS net profit margin is 6% in 2011 and 4% in 2010. Exide’s net profit margin is 1% in 2011 and -4% in 2010. Clearly, ENERSYS is way ahead of Exide in terms of profitability as ENERSYS earns a profit of 6% in 2011over its revenue earned. This means that ENERSYS gets to keep a profit share of 6% after all its expenses has been paid. On the other hand, Exide earns a net profit of only 1% in 2011, which means that Exide gets to keep a profit of only 1% after all its expenses have been paid. So, ENERSYS performs well as it earns more net income then Exide. However, Exide has improved more than ENERSYS since 2010 as Exide’s profit margin improved from -4% to 1%, while ENERSYS’s profit margin increased from 4% to 6% (ENERSYS, 2011). ENERSYS Return on Assets was 6% in 2011, so it earned 6% on its assets which is much better than Exide’s ROA of 1%. . SO, clearly in terms of profitability ENERSYS outperforms Exide. Receivables turnover ratio for ENERSYS was 4.05 in 2011 and 3.98 in 2010, while receivables turnover ratio for Exide was 5.35 in 2011 and 5.23 in 2010. ENERSYS Days Sales outstanding was 89 days in 2011 and 92 days in 2010, while Exide’s days sales outstanding was approximately 68 days in both 2011 and 2010 (Seeking Alpha, 2011).. Looking at the activity ratios for both Exide and ENERSYS, it is surprising to note that Exide performs well then ENERSYS in its asset utilization. Exide is better able to collect its revenue money after sales ha ve been made in few days and so would convert its revenue to cash sooner than ENERSYS. ENERSYS’s competitive financial position is strong in terms of its profitability as it has a higher net income in previous years as compared to its competitors and higher total assets, and has made a lot of capital investments. However, ENERSYS is weaker in utilization of assets and has to put in stringent policies in order to tackle the issue (Yahoo, 2011a). A careful analysis of Free Cash Flow available to the firm will determine which firm is outperforming the other. Calculating the Free Cash Flow to Firm by adding Cash Flow from Operations to Interest expense and fixed investments, it is seen that Exide has greater Free Cash Flow to Firm than ENERSYS. ENERSYS free cash flow to firm is $31945000, while Exide’s Free Cash Flow is $35088000. Also, looking at the cash flow statement of both companies, ENERSYS has a negative cash flow due to higher investment in capital and higher debt financing. However, despite negative cash flow during 2011(Yahoo, 2011b), ENERSYS still has more cash reserves than Exide. This shows that ENERSYS is making profits and is not holding back as it is buying more capital in order to increase and develop further for the future. ENERSYS fixed capital expenditures entails that it will have a much positive outlook in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pizza hut pan pizza Essay Example for Free

Pizza hut pan pizza Essay Have you ever had a pan pizza from Pizza Hut? I hope that you have. I understand the price can be high, but do not worry about the price I have a recipe for that same amazing pan pizza. It will cost you a fraction of the price and you could even use organic ingredients. The process that I will be going over today is making Pizza Huts number one crust, and the recipe that I am analyzing is the best that I have tasted, so if you want to know how the dough is prepared, the sauce is made, and how to build and cook a pan pizza you are reading the right essay. The ingredients that you will need for the dough, 1 1/3 cups warm water (105 F), 1/4 cup non-fat powdered milk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 4 cups flour, 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, 1 (1/4 ounce), package dry yeast, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (for dough), 9 ounces vegetable oil (3 ounces per pan), and butter-flavored Pam cooking spray. After you get all the ingredients you want to make sure you have all the utensils, large bowl, whisk, and measuring cups. Pizza, â€Å"put yeast, sugar, salt, dry milk in large bowl; add water and stir to mix well. † â€Å"Put bowl and mixture off to the side so that it can rest for two minutes. † (â€Å"Pizza†) at the 2 min timer add oil to dough mixture and stir again. Add the flour and stir until dough forms and flour is absorbed. â€Å"Pull dough out on to a flat surface and mix dough so that the flour covers all of the sticky surface of the dough. † (â€Å"Pizza†). Divide dough in to three balls. Using a rolling pin roll each ball out in to a 9† circle. Place dough in to a warm area and allow to rise for an hour to an hour and a half. Now on from dough to sauce. I prefer this sauce because I love the flavor, but you could use any sauce that you would like. Utensils used will be large mixing bowl, measuring cups (teaspoon), and whisk. Ingredients that you will need for sauce, 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon dry oregano, 1/2 teaspoon margarine, 1/2 teaspoon dry basil, 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt. Combine sauce ingredients and let sit for one hour. I prefer after mixing put the sauce in the fridge for the hour, mainly because cold sauce tastes better. Now that the dough and sauce is mixed you will need to get cooking pans and topping together. For the pans you will need three 9† cake pans. For instructions on Pizza, â€Å"Put 3 ounces of oil in each of three 9-inch cake pans, making sure it is spread evenly. † Now place the rolled out dough in to the cake pans, spray around the edge with the pan cooking spray. For each 9† pizza, spoon 1/3 cup of sauce on the dough and spread within 1-inch of the edge. Distribute 1 ? ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese (I also use cheddar cheese) the toppings can be of choice. I like to put pepperoni, mushrooms, and sausage, but like I said you can use any combination that you like even organic. After you have assembled your pizza, the oven should be preheated to 475 degrees, cook pizza till cheese is bubbly and outer crust is brown. I hope that a made a clear attempt to explain how the dough, sauce, and pizza is made. Even though this recipe is not an exact replica it is the closest recipe that you will find. The best thing about this recipe is the fact that you can make it however you want, add any toppings and use any cheese. I hope that you will use this recipe, and that it excites your taste buds as it did mine. Work Cited Pizza Hut Original Pan Pizza. http://www. food. com/recipe/pizza-hut-original-pan-pizza-91827.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Idea Of Chivalry And Double Jeopardy Criminology Essay

Idea Of Chivalry And Double Jeopardy Criminology Essay The purpose of the Criminal Justice System is to deliver justice to all, by protecting innocent members of the society, to punish and convict criminals and to provide help to them in an attempt to stop them offending; at least that is what the society expects of the Criminal Justice System. It is supposed to deliver justice in a fair manner regardless of gender. However much is written that suggests otherwise. Chivalry, believed by Pollak (1960) is a theory which claims that women are treated in a less harsh way by the courts and prisons because of their nature as women, which then distorts criminal statistics. However, Gregory Leonard (1982/83) disregard the chivalry factor as the cause of a gender gap in crime and Heidensohn (1985 cited in Jewkes and Letherby 2002 p.180) illustrates the theory of chivalry in a case reported in the Daily Mirror in January 1978 where a mother flogged her eight-year old son with a belt, gave him cold baths and forced him to stand naked for hours at night. The mother was jailed but later allowed to go freely because the courts said she needed to look after her other child. This case is a great illustration of how women are more favoured by the courts than men. This view can be seen as ideological and unsociological as it is based on female biology. Carmen (1983 cited in Jewkes and Letherby 2002 p.183) quotes sherrifs if she is a good mother we dont want to take her away. If shes not it doesnt really matter. This shows that the sentencing of a woman is based on her nurturing nature being of good standard or otherwise. A Home office study research 170, titled Understanding the sentencing of women was a study which made an effort to address the lack of extensive research into the way women are sentenced. The main aim of the study was to establish how the Magistrates go about taking account of the substantive differences in mens and womens lives and their perceptions of justice. The study was in two parts, in part 1 a test carried out suggested that women were less likely than comparable males to receive a prison sentence but they were more likely to be discharged or sentenced to a community penalty. However it was suggested that instead of the findings being interpreted as a general policy of leniency towards women, it should rather be seen that the sentencers may be reluctant to fine a woman possibly because they may be penalising her children, rather than just herself. This may have been all well and good if it were the days when majority of women still upheld their stereotypical domestic role as mothers and keepers of the home. It is part of family ideology that a womans place is in the home, while a mans task is to out to work to earn the money to support his wife and children (Allan, G 1999, p.191). However, we now live in a society where women are now bread winners, house hold duties are also taken on by men, women divorce their husbands for one reason or the other and consequently leaving the children behind for the father to take care of them. The Criminal Justice System might not take into account when sentencing men, that some of them are actually both mother and father to the children and carry out the role of the mother. In part 2 of the study nearly 200 Magistrates were interviewed; the Magistrates said they found it difficult to compare their sentencing between men and women because they dealt with female offenders less frequently. Nonetheless, they distinguished between troubled and troublesome and tended to locate most women in the troubled category. It was par tly because women tended to be first offenders, facing less serious charges than men and because they behaved more respectfully in court. The Magistrates went on to say that because they regarding women offenders as troubled, they responded to their offending with measures (a discharge or probation) designed to assist them to lead law abiding lives rather than punishing them. In an article by Jason Bennetto in The Independent, it is said that more women are committing violent crimes, particularly street robbery, burglary and fighting, and that part of the problem believed to be causing this is the result of neglect, abuse and drug or alcohol addiction. According to a report, Crimes of Desperation 2008, a significant amount of crime committed by females is rooted in poverty. As much as poverty may be the driving force for some, others may simply be using the money they have to fund their drug and alcohol use and subsequently turning to crime to further fund their tendencies. A Survey of over 1,000 mothers in prison, appears to provide some support for this report, 54% said they had no money, 38% needed to support their children, 35% were on drugs or alcoholics, 33% had family problems and 33%had no job. Caddle and Crisp (1997 cited in Newburn, T 2007 p.809) It was argued firstly by Freda Adler and later Rita Simon that female crime rates had been increasing rapidly in the late 80s and early 1970s and that they were changing their offending patterns to more masculine styles; it was due to the growth of the modern womens movement. (Maguire, M. Morgan, R. Reiner, R. 2012) In an empirical research looking at whether men and women offend for similar reasons, it was in relation to property crime that women featured most heavily in, which led to some commentators arguing that many women became involved in criminal activity for mostly to provide for children or family in circumstances where there are limited legitimate opportunities. (Newburn, T. 2007) The point is that female delinquents are not perceived to be merely adopting behaviour more usually associated with males, they are portrayed as being chromosomally or genetically abnormal. This means that the treatment of such o ¬Ã¢â€š ¬enders becomes justi ¬Ã‚ able, the aims, intentionality and rationality of the deviant act are overlooked and the social and cultural conditions under which the act took place can be relegated to the vague status of environ- mental factors whose only role is to occasionally trigger the inherent path- ology of the deviant. Crime and delinquency can thereby be treated as an individual, not social, phenomenon Smart (n.d) An alternative view to that of chivalry is double jeopardy. Heidensohn (1985) suggesting that female offenders are subjected to double jeopardy, meaning that when they are on trial, they are not only on trial for the crime they committed but also also for their femininity. Also, if any, female offenders are penalized for their sexual misconduct, while the male counterparts are not. Therefore the courts operate a double standard for female offenders. Womens low share of recorded criminality has significant consequences for those women who do offend: they are seen to have transgressed not only social norms but gender norms as well. As a result they may, especially when informal sanctions are being taken into account, feel that they are doubly punished. (Maguire, M. Morgan, R. Reiner, R. 2012) In murder cases, women get tougher sentences than men do, because in most cases the murder is premeditated. The case of R v Ahluwalia (1992) is about a woman who was being sexually abused, bullied and violently abused by her husband. After 10 years of abuse, she decided shed had enough and she poured petrol over her husbands body and set fire to him, six days later he died. She was convicted of murder because according S.3 of the Homicide act 1957 there must be a sudden and temporary loss of self-control which she did not possess at the time she killed her husband. It was seen as pre meditated because the abuse took place over 10 years. The defendant was then sentenced to life imprisonment, but was later released. Another case is the one of Zoorah Shah who was given a life sentence for killing her boyfriend by putting arsenic in his food. The courts did not take into account the fact that she was beaten regularly and exploited by her boyfriend to be prostitute. These cases are a majo r contrast to the case of David Hampson: a man smashed the head of his wife with a hammer and killed her. His reason for the murder was that his wife had nagged him for years. The judge accepted his reason as a reasonable excuse to be provoked to kill someone. He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to six years. Looking at these cases it shows the practicality of women being subjected to double jeopardy. It seems that these women are not only being punished for their crime but also because of their biological nature. Also, it seems to show that the courts believe that it is more acceptable for a man to lose his temper as opposed to a woman, because a womans nature is meant to be submissive, calm and rational. Some would say that women should not be aggressive as it is not in their nature. Womens nature should not be a deciding factor when sentencing, if particular sentence is rightly appropriate and deserved then it should be served. If the leniency on women offenders keeps being applied, it only means they wont learn their lesson and will not be deterred in the future to committing crime again. According to a report published in 2010 in the BBC news, statistics showed that re-offending rates by women went up by four times that for men by 16.4%, compared with 4.2%.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Wuthering Heights A Thematic Analysis

Wuthering Heights A Thematic Analysis Revenge is one of the prominent and stronger issues in the novel Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte has discussed the cruel and wicked nature of human beings. Novel was set in the harsh, rough and isolated atmosphere of Yorkshire moors in northern England. There are many reasons of emergent revenge amid the characters. People were bounded and restricted due to their class systems. One of the causes of Heathcliffs vindictive nature is his belonging of lower class. Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw was failed to maintain equality between Hindley and Heathcliff. Throughout their lifes, both suffered and thus became as a victim of injustice. Character of Catherine is the true representation of Victorian women. One way Catherine pretends that she loves Heathcliff but on the same way she cheats him. If she chose Heathcliff for marriage, revenge would not have raised and automatically lives of many people would have saved. Edgar, Hindley and Catherines behaviour towards Heathcliff seems inhumane and disre spectful, therefore their brutal behaviour becomes the reason of Heathcliffs hurtful nature. Heathcliff proves himself that extreme of love is equally dangerous than as extreme of hate. His desire of taking revenge is superior to his love for Catherine. Edgar, Hindley, Catherine and Heathcliff have evenly participated in destroying lives of many people. By showing Heathcliffs devil style look, description of Wuthering Heights as haunted place, lack of religion, elements of ghost, Catherins and Heathcliff madness in love makes the story affected by supernatural elements and it also gives us contemplation that there is a super power around them who does not like peace and instructs them to take revenge from others. Showing the characters of Isabella and young Cathy, Emily has given us the lesson of morality as well. If both ladies obeyed Edgars suggestion, they would not become fools. Despite the fact that the revenge moves from one generation to another but in my perception character s like young Cathy and Hareton presents as the hope of peaceful future. Their sincere bonding abolishes the revenge completely at the end. Though my research topic seems pessimistic but I have ended up it an optimistic note. God does not take revenge from us. We all have to go to God with empty hands, only our deeds will go with us. Now it depends on us, either we want to die peacefully or not. Introduction Emily Bronte belongs to the Victorian age. Her novel Wuthering Heights is one of the classical novels of this age, although she died very young but Emilys work still have its uniqueness. The novel basically set in the harsh and isolated Yorkshire moors in northern England. Emily discussed very mature and bold issues. For example she wrote on escapism from religion which was totally against the customs of Victorian age. The people of this age were very strict and conservative about their religion. Women were also confined to their houses even they did not have the rights to choose their partner for marriage. We see Emilys own perception and imagination in this novel. According to the novel Wuthering Heights it depicts, that she was against the norms of Victorian age. The love triangle between Heathcliff, Catherine and Edgar seems very complex and complicated. Writer has revealed to the readers in earlier chapters that Catherine and Heathcliff both fall in love but Catherine chooses Edgar for marriage just for the sake of money and temporary physical attraction. After some time when Heathcliff gets wealth Catherine again gets closer to Heathcliff that is quite ironical. The character of Hindley represents as a jealous and a wicked person. He was the first person who started the vengeance. Revenge travels one generation to next generation. Characters like Hareton, Cathy and Linton are shown as the symbols of Victim. They suffered because of their parents. On the other hand Nelly Dean and Lockwood are shown as the narrators of the story. Since my research is qualitative so the only source of my research is reading. My research thesis has consisted on four chapters. First chapter is about The Issue of Class System. Difference between the classes of the characters is one of the main issues of the novel. The novel was written at a time when the people of England were affected not only with the economy and Industrial revolution but also with the traditional class structure of this age. The orphan Heathcliff suffered due to his lower class. Second chapter has covered The Role of Revenge and Vengeance in the novel. Because of the revenge, Hindley used to torture Heathcliff. Heathcliffs education was stopped by Hindley, he did not get a chance to raise his social class. Although Catherine loved Heathcliff but she got fascinated by the wealth and life style of Edgar and decided to marry with him. Catherines rejection made him cruel, selfish and arrogant. Third chapter is about the Impacts of Violence and Obsession that rotate around the characters of the novel. Hindleys jealousy and the ill- treatment with orphan Heathcliff raised aggression in him. As a result Heathcliff did not spare anyone. The violent and jealous behavior of Hindley destroys his sisters life too. Wuthering Heights is a strong but morbid novel of love and suffering. Through this novel Emily has tried to convey the lesson that why it is important to keep the balance between relationships? We can conclude it at the end of the story in the following way, doing anything in an excess level is not supposed to be a good thing. The obsession of love and revenge both have crossed the limits in the novel. Victim of the destructive influences of the obsession are Isabella, Cathy and Linton. The extremist love of Heathcliff destroyed his own life too. Fourth chapter has included The Supernatural Effects of the story. Wuthering Heights is famous for its gothic elements. The house (Wuthering Heights) itself gives the mysterious, unwelcoming, haunted and old looks. The eighteen century was dominated by supernatural novels. That is why Emily wrote a romantic story along with the gothic effects. Heathcliff has shown as a hero with horror looks. LITERATURE REVIEW Keyword: Revenge The act of harming somebody in return for harm they have done (Oxford Popular School Dictionary. 2008) Charles Percy Sanger wrote an essay in (1926). He is the first person, who did detailed examination of the novel Wuthering Heights. Throughout his essay, he was finding an answer of question which had in his mind. Sanger starts an essay with the pedigree of the two families. Sanger notices all the dates. Novel starts with the date 1801. June 1778 was the year of Haretons birth, 20th March was the date of birth of Catherine. The marriage date of Catherine Earnshaw and Edgar Linton was June 1783. Catherine died at 2 a.m. on Monday 20th March 1784. According to Charles, Emily Bronte did not use a calendar. For him this mistake seems unusual characteristic of novel. I found his research very unique and different but on the same time, he has neglected some major issues of the novel. Revenge is one of the main issues, he has not written a single sentence on it. This seems strange because this was one of the detailed works on Wuthering Heights. At the end of his essay he has accepted that h is research is technically dull. Linda Golds examined the Wuthering Heights on the basis of Freudin interpretations in (2011). She analysed in depth, the symbiosis of Catherine, Heathcliff and Edgar. In the same way she has made readers mind that how did revenge grown up between them? She has written her research on the interpretations of Freuds id, ego and superego. Heathcliffs id is suspicious. No one knows where he spent three years before coming into Wuthering Heights. Then she comes on Catherine, she had a very social personality. Her id was energetic and sharp minded. Her ego restricted and controlled her life to take changes. Then she discussed Edgar the super egoist. He is a true representative of Victorian era. He uses his wit power to select him rather than to Heathcliff. According to Freuds analysis a male ego person would have the courage to deal successfully with the world, a female egoist person would have to live through males. Gold moves her Freudin Scrutiny to the second generation at the end. She s aid the whole structure of Wuthering Heights would be read as the development of one personality. If we see Wuthering Heights in the light of Golds research we will definitely agree with her. Id, ego and superego belong to Heathcliff, Catherine and Edgar respectively. An entirely different approach has given by Grame Tytler in (2011). He has applied 19th century psychological theory on Wuthering Heights and further wrote an essay on it. Healthcliff was affected by monomaniac. Monomaniac was a very famous disease in Brontes days. New name of this disease is obsession, specific disorder in someones personality. Healthcliff had clearly symptoms of monomaniac. The whole research of Grame revolves around Heathcliff and the effects of monomaniac on him. The first symptom of this disease is passion. We all agree with the fact that Heathcliff loved Catherine passionately. When Catherine chose Edgar as her life partner, Heathcliff whole life destroyed. We can compare our self with Heathcliff. What will be our reaction if someone rejects us? Naturally we shout, scold and cry. Simultaneously reaction of Healthcliff seems natural at start but after some time his human nature turned into wild animal. He has taken out all his pain as revenge. He used to torture and harassed Isabella, Cathy and Hareton. Isabella says to Nelly Is Mr Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil? (Bronte,E.1988,ch:13:135) Tytler described different stages of Heathcliff. He is the true picture of obsession. It could be more beneficial for us if he would emphasis on other characters too. The readers who were read Wuthering Heights were shocked by the violence in the story. It is true because in 1847 people were not habitual for this kind of violence. Violence enhanced the revenge factor in the story. Violence revolves around many characters. For example it starts with Heathcliff and Hindley fight. We see in every violent scene there was a reason behind it. Hindley did not accept Heathcliff in his house. He used to hate his father when he supported Heathcliff. The relationship between Edgar and Heathcliff were full of revenge. Characters like Isabella and Cathy who suffered a lot, changed into wild and violent characters. Knives, blood on tree, taunts, harsh and aloud sound, whip are symbolisms of violence in the story. It is very important to think why Emily has shown this kind of extreme violence? It can be several interpretations. May be she wanted to reveal the reality of Victorian society or maybe she wanted to give a lesson or by showing violence and revenge she wanted to highlight the inner pain of human being. Vengeance is the most imminent topic in Wuthering Heights. Many researches and essays have been written on this issue. In this essay critic added Austin OMalley Statement he said Revenge is often like biting because a dog bit you (123helpme.com):(a) OMalleys quote gives a sense of cruel reality. No one can find peace through revenge. An essay starts with the Heathcliff plan that he wanted to take revenge from Edgar through Isabella. The death of Catherine proves that the plan helps him nothing. Catherine ghost were used to wandering around the earth. For 20 years, visiting Heathcliff and tortured him. Let me alone, let me alone. Sobbed Catherine, if I have done wrong, Im dying for it. It is enough! You left me too: but I wont be upbraid you! I forgive you. Forgive me! (Bronte, E.1988,ch:13:144) .In my opinion the problem maker is Catherine in the story because she does not love Edgar. She chooses social status, fame and popularity instead of Heathcliffs true love. Catherine nature re sembles with the poetry of Oliver Goldsmith When lovely woman stoops to folly and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy? What art can wash her guilt away? The only art her guilt to cover, to hide her shame from every eye, to give repentance to her lover, and wring his bosom, is to die. (Goldsmith,O, When lovely woman stoops to folly:1-8) Hindleys revenge destroys his own life. He got bankrupt and his beloved wife died and eventuality he died. Emily story compels her readers to think what Heathcliff achieved at the end? Is he got Catherine? Revenge worked nothing for him. Emily did great work by showing revenge as negative stigma. Anton has written a thesis on the characterization of Wuthering Heights in (2011). Emily depicts the social code, conventions and challenges of Victorian society. It can also be taken as a deep criticism on Brontes time. Antons approach is quite new because he has taken out several important points. Thrushcross Grange symbolises as Edgar personality like decent and full of manners. While Wuthering Heights symbolises as Heathcliff personality like wild and unfriendly. Both houses inhabit dogs. The dogs of Wuthering Heights are wild, chaotic and habitual of natural environment. Grange owns pet dogs. Hindleys personality shows a real man of Victorian era. He is charming, sensitive and emotional but when his father did discrimination between him and Heathcliff, his nature becomes alter. Catherine also affected by the situation and lifted closer to Heathcliff. The whole novel is full of paradoxical and ironical situations. For example, Catherine chooses Edgar instead of Heathcliff however she does not love Edgar. Catherine still loves Heathcliff but tries to bring Isabella and Heathcliff nearer. My poor little sister-in-law is breaking her heart by mere contemplation of your physical and moral beauty. It lies in your own power to be Edgars brother! No, no, Isabella, you shant run off, she continued, arresting, with feigned playfulness, the confounded girl, who had risen indignantly. We were quarrelling like cats about you, Heathcliff (Bronte,E.1988,ch:10:108) Isabella, who is educated and mannered girl and lives with Catherine in one house still un aware with the affair of Catherine and Heathcliff how strange? The whole structure of the novel compels readers to think beyond the imaginations. According to Eric Solomon Wuthering Heights has an incest theme. He has written a thesis in (1959) in which, he has raised many issues to justify his opinion. He quoted Richard Chase statement. He considers that Is impossible to imagine such a stormy, undisciplined pair as Cathy and Heathcliff ever setting down to a normal life of domesticity. (Chase,R. quoted in Solomon,E.1959:80) Because of Heathcliffs black skin ton, it is not clear whether he was a gypsy or prince or devil? According to Nelly Deans narration old Earnshaw brought orphan Heathcliff to his own home. Mrs.Earnshaw did not like her husbands step. She was thinking that her husband is mad or he may be having an illegitimate child. Because it was an old tradition in 18th century the provincial slum, the waif must have had some protector then why this child was wandering alone? Erics philosophy seems right because as brother and sister they could not be get married. As a son of Mr.Earnshaw he had rights to own the property . In the middle of the story we see Heathcliff comes as an owner of Wuthering Heights. The characters of Heathcliff and Catherine can be taken as victims of fate and things were beyond with their control. Erics research might be true because he closes his research on the Cathys question. She is Heathcliff, does she mean that they are one flesh as well as one spirit? (Solomon, E. 1959:83) Emily has left many questions on readers. Now it depends on us, from which angle of Wuthering Heights do we see? Arnold Shapiro has compared Wuthering Heights with Great Expectation and Jane Eyre in (1969). His research is based on the ethical and moral traditions of the Victorian period. According to him Dickens, Charlotte and Emily have shown same issues in their writing. Like their characters have to face the problems and at the end they reach into the same conclusion. Heathcliff and Pip both are orphan alone and outcast as much as alien in the novels. Then he compares Mr.Earnshaw with Reeds, they bring stranger to their houses. Characters of Heathcliff and Jane also resembles both are looking different from everyone else therefore seems to bear a threat like Mrs.Earnshaw was ready to fling out Heathcliff and Reeds forced Jane to live with servants. Joe and Mr.Earnshaw both helped Pip and Heathcliff in many ways and it is very interesting to know that both Estella and Catherine betrayed to their lovers. In the Victorian period people were very good christens. In novel Wuthering Heights, Lint ons brought up shows that he is good in religion but when Isabella spoiled by Heathcliff and looking towards his brother, Edgar shows no humanity and ill behavior. I seek no revenge on you, replied Heathcliff, less vehemently. Thats not the plan. The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they dont turn against him; they crush those beneath them. You are welcome to torture me to death for your amusement, only allow me to amuse myself a little in the same style. (Bronte,E.1988,ch:11:114) Both Cathy and Catherine are having different natures. Catherines nature is greedy therefore she made her house on the grave of her lover while on the other hand young Cathys nature is sympathetic. As in the same way, the desires of Heathcliff are endless because he has sadistic nature. According to James Hafley villain and problem maker in Wuthering Heights is Ellen Dean. He has read Wuthering Heights in the light of new experience. Charlotte Bronte said about Nelly For a specimen of true benevolence and homely fidelity, look at the character of Nelly Dean. (Bronte,C. quoted in Hafley,J.1958:199) In my opinion, Nellys role in Wuthering Heights is very prominent. She is a nurse and narrator of the story and to write thesis on Nelly is something exceptional. The critic of this paper adds textual evidence in order to make strong his points. Nelly had an objection that why Mr.Earnshaw brought Heathcliff in home? Throughout her life she never liked Heathcliff. Joseph always notices Nellys facial expression becomes change when she is narrating about Heathcliff. She used to create problems between characters. After Catherines marriage Nelly moved with her to Thrushcross Grange. She became greedy and acted as a queen over there. A person who has not done one half his days work by ten oclock runs a chance of leaving the other half undone. (Bronte, E.1988,ch:7:69)She never tried to solve the problems of Grange house. I rang the bell and committed it to a servant care. (Bronte, E.1988,ch:17:164) She knows Heathcliff came back and now he is trying to meet with Catherine but she remained as silent and sees how Heathcliff compelled Isabella to marry him. She is also responsible when Cathy got hostile by Heathclif. I really appreciate James effort but we should remember the fact that Nelly Dean is just a poor servant of house. She has fulfilled all the duties commendably. Distortion and exaggeration are equally important topic in Wuthering Heights which lifts Heathcliff to take revenge. Heathcliff cries many times for Catherine. I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul! (Bronte,E.1988,ch:17:161) Catherine also feels same for him once she spoke to Nelly that Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. (Bronte,E.1988,ch:11:86) It shows both of them truly love each other. After Catherines death her she used to haunt Heathcliff as a ghost. Despite of their physical separation, Edgar could not part them spiritually. Heathcliff shows his vindictive nature and becomes evil more than Satan. After Catherine he decides to take revenge from every one. Only Catherine could have saved because of her death. Heathcliff has tried his best to destroy Isabella, Linton, Cathy, Hareton lives. Emily over exaggerated the fear of death. For example in the beginning it was shocking to read Lockwood injured by the wild dogs. At that time peo ple were not habitual for this kind of tension. Because of this Wuthering Heights had faced criticism but ultimately novel has changed peoples mind. Now Wuthering Heights considers as classics of Victorian period. Critics appreciated the frame narration of Wuthering Heights a lot. Many researches and essays have been written on Nelly Dean. In another paper critic has expresses his thoughts. Nelly is having a very strong character in novel. She had philosopher type mind Nelly says: Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves. (Bronte,E.1988,ch:7:64) She is not only nurse and servant but in addition she is a mother for Catherine and Hindley. She has lived all her life between moors and justified his role whether live in Grange or Wuthering Heights. Whenever Cathy needed help she always did whatever she could. She is a person of wisdom and. dignity. Once she said A good heart will help you to a bonny face, my lad, if you were a regular black; and a bad one will turn the bonniest into something worse than ugly. (Bronte,E.1988,ch:7:65) Witness of almost every incident but never cheated any one. She used to guide everyone. Bitirme Tezis writes thesis in (2009). He emphasizes on the love and isolation of Wuthering Heights. He further elaborates his research and says it can be a cause of destructive relationships in the novel. Our mind starts understanding his point of views when we closely read the novel. Isolation of Wuthering Heights recognises as have the connection of moors and hills and strong natural environment, on the other hand isolation of Thrushcross Grange is connected with the idea of lively atmosphere. Gimmerton society was the high class society in those days. Wuthering Heights had no communication with Gimmerton and they were isolated from society while the Thruchcross Grange had strongly relations with Gimmerton people. That is the reason people of Thrushcross were more educated, mannered and very much affected with the norms of 18th century. Therefore lack of association with high class strongly affected the people of Wuthering Heights. Catherine, who is poor, meets with rich Edgar, sh e impresses by his wealth and finally they get married. It seems very normal but on the wider imagination it has created differences between many people and became a cause of revenge. Wuthering Heights was very famous in Victorian period. Some readers like the novel and some not. Many critics have long list for the reasons of disliking. Infanticide and Sadism is one of the reasons. Wade Thompson has criticised the novel. I respect his views and agree with what he said about infanticide. Catherine Earnshaw is not quite eight when her mother dies; Cathy Lintons birth coincides with her mothers death; Haretons mother dies in the year of his birth; and Heathcliff is an orphan by the time he is seven. Even the children who receive motherly care throughout their childhood do not receive it long after they reach puberty. Linton Heathcliff loses his mother when he is not quite thirteen-Linton, of course, is a child all his life-and Isabella Linton is orphaned when she is fourteen. The only exceptions-and these unimportant-are Hindley Earnshaw and Edgar Linton, who are sixteen and eighteen respectively when their mothers die and even their mothers are apparently not very m otherly.(Thompson,W.1963:69) but I m not agree when he said about sadism, in my opinion Heathcliff never wanted to have an adult relation with Catherine but for his desire of revenge, he forced Linton to have relation with Catherine. Only Heathcliff and Catherine are not responsible for Linton and Catherine, Isabella and Edgar are equally responsible for the destruction. Wuthering Heights shows destructive relationships between the characters. In another essay critic has pointed out the characteristics of destructive relationship. He discusses topics like un-caring parents, jealousy and desire of revenge. His research seems right because Mr.Earnshaw was unsuccessful to maintain a balance between Hindley and Heathcliff. Another example is Hareton and Hindley. Hindley never became a good father, he had spoiled his life in drugs and because of him Hareton departed as uneducated person. The primary example of destructive relationship is Heathcliff and Linton. Once Linton says: himMy father threatened me, and I dread him I dread! (Bronte,E.1988,ch:27:244) Isabella, Heathcliff and Catherine, Edgar both couples are the example of destructive relationship. In my opinion our brought up make our life good or bad, if we have proper family atmosphere we wont be get jealous which creates ultimately a desire of revenge. The influence of childhood pervades throughout the novel. In another essay, critic has compared two generations childhood behaviour. Heathcliff, Catherine and Hindley have shared childhood together. According to Steve Davies The childhood of both protagonists Heathcliff and Catherine, haunts them in their adult lives thus affecting their interactions with and their behavior towards other people in a negative way.(customwritings.com):(b) They used to dinning and sleeping together. But because of many quarrels and jealousy their relation became dejected and vengeful. At one time Heathcliff said Im trying to settle how I shall pay Hindley back. I dont care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last. I hope he will not die before I do! (Bronte,E.1988,ch:7:69) In my point of view Emily has fully justified with the plot. One way she has shown negative impacts of these people at the end of the story then on the same way, she has opened a door of new life by showing Catherine and Hareton m arriage. They are the hope of new generation. They have overcome their bitter memories. In another essay critic expresses his views and says Wuthering Heights is a silly love story. He has given this title on the basis of two books one is written by Robert McKibben, and second is Control of Sympathy in Wuthering Heights written by John Hagan. I totally agree with his perception that only Catherine and Heathcliff should not be blame for the disasters in the story. They were passionately in love. But we all know in every love story there is always a third person who creates problems between lovers life. Edgar has played third persons role in the story. After the death of Catherine, Heathcliff used to cry and scold most of the time. Come in! come in! he sobbed. Cathy, do come. Oh, do -once more! Oh! My hearts darling, hear me this time Catherine, at last!(Bronte,E.1988,ch:3:41) Wuthering Heights gives us lesson that revenge is dangerous and harmful for our life. To conclusion, Emily Bronte has created a new world in one novel Wuthering Heights. She has shown influence of childhood, social problems, destructive relationships, violence, isolation and many others. The root cause of all these problems is Revenge. My research focuses on finding the reasons behind any act of revenge because I truly believe that God has not created men with the negative nature it is the circumstances that creates human being nature as vindictive. Since those researches which I have discussed in literature review are not adequate, therefore I have done this research. My research is not the last research on this topic I hope it will link towards new beginning. RESEARCH QUESTION: How does revenge rotate around the characters of Wuthering Heights? SIGNIFICANCE Whenever we read word revenge something negative comes in our mind and we usually fixed our mind on it. There is always a reason behind any negative behavior and that is why I have chosen this topic. My target is to find out the reasons that make the human being hard hearted and contemptuous. The Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is the perfect example of Revenge. We see revenge starts from the beginning of the novel and stays throughout the story. My research will compel people to change their minds and they will get to know how harmful and dangerous revenge is. If Earnshaw maintained the equality between Heathcliff and Hindley, revenge would not be raised. My research has ended on an optimistic message and people will surely take a lesson from it. ANALYSIS Chapter: 1 The Issue of Class System The social and class structure of 18th century were the same as it is today. Classes were confined into Lower, Bourgeois and Aristocrat. People from lower class were feeling reluctant because they did not get respect from the society. Bourgeois people used to degrade these people and that was the reason, both sides of people were feeling jealous for each other. Emily has created a new world by writing Wuthering Heights. She shows the actual game of our society in which everybody is running after lust. Acquiring of everything is not a new habit of human being. When we see Wuthering Heights under the roof of class structure, the cruel reality of human being comes in front of us. We see a selfish world, in which clever, arrogant, self centered and selfish people lives they think only for themselves. Everyone seems greedy for money. Lets take firstly the house of Wuthering Heights. People who lives in the house, belongs to middle class. The live of these people grows very well but one day Mr. Earnshaw brings a boy in his home by the name of Heathcliff. He does not get a warm welcome by the family members. Mrs Earnshaw was ready to fling out of doors: she did fly u, asking how she could fashion to bring that gypsy brat into the house. (Bronte,E.1988,ch:4:48) Even after so many years he fails to make strong relations with them. According to them, a black hair boy with dirty clothes comes and disturbs the smooth life of Wuthering Heights. Once Catherine says, Poor Healthcliff! Hindley calls him a vagabond and wont let him sit with us, nor eat with us anymore; and he says, he and I must not play together and threaten to runs him out of the house if we break his order. (Bronte, E.1988,ch:3:36) A very first question arises here why family members did not accept Heathcliff in the house? An answer of this question is, h e belongs to lower class or he has a black colour. Because of this weakness he did not get a chance to learn education, he lost his lover Catherine and the whole life of Heathcliff turned as disaster. Time passes, Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw dies. Catherine and Heathcliff come nearer on the other hand Hindley appears as an enemy of Heathcliff. Catherine loves Heathcliff but she decides to marry with Edgar. Heathcliff is a poor man with no money no assets no land. On the other hand Edgar is a rich boy with everything which any girl wants after marriage. Catherine expresses her feelings with Nelly as He will be rich and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood, and I shall be proud of having such a husband (Bronte,E.1988,ch:8:83) If Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars? Whereas, if I marry Linton, I can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of my brothers power (Bronte,E.1988,ch:8:87) Catherine shows her greedy nature, she thinks she will live lavishly with Edgar. Heathcliff wont give her high standard living which she used to live in Wuthering Heights. Nelly was also in favour of Edgar. She thinks Heathcliff is a Worthless friend (Bronte, E.1988,ch:11:113) of Catherine. According to Derek Traversi Reflection, aided by Nelly, presents Heathcliff as what he undeniably is: a brutal creature whom she could certainly abandon with social advantage to marry the young, rich and attractive Edgar Linton. Nelly guided by her inherent good nature and by long if not particularly imaginative experience of life, maintains that Edgar is a good match, that he is socially speaking acceptable and likely to bring her to normal domestic happiness, where as he

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pollution Essay: Immediate Action Must be Taken on Global Warming :: Climate Change, Argumentative Essay

Global Warming is an important ecological issue, but is usually overlooked for more pressing short term problems. With so little attention provided to global warming, our situation can only get worse. Problem's already happening include the greenhouse gas effect, though it occurs naturally and the earth would be much colder (around 30C cooler). But to much of these gases and we will change the climate to much, to an extent that we may not be able to fix. On top of the warming due to greenhouse gases, there are also holes in our O-Zone layer, which blocks out over 90% of the UV rays, and also the weakening of our atmosphere. What is global warming? Usually when people think of Global warming, it's the normal Ice Caps melting and warm winters, which is partly true. Global Warming is the accelerated rate in the increase of temperature. But they are ignorant to the fact that Global warming can and will cause so much more damage to us soon in the future, along with these effects we will also face Food Shortages from the extreme weathers, heating that can actually damage you, and water contamination. The increase in temperature is caused by greenhouse gases, such as methane from livestock and Carbon Dioxide, from cars and industrial process's. Greenhouse gases are chemicals that are found in the atmosphere, and can occur either naturally or due to human activities such as the overuse of fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. Because of their make up, they allow energy from the sun to enter the atmosphere freely. When sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, some of it is reflected back towards space as infrared radiation (heat). Greenhouse gases absorb this infrared radiation and trap the heat in the atmosphere, slowly warming our planet due to energy not being able to leave. Contrary to belief, global warming is NOT caused by â€Å"pollution†, but simply from process's that release Carbon Dioxide, like burning fossil fuels like coal and oil. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels (Or totally stop the use), and stop destroying the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to go into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) :: essays research papers fc

Chloroflourocarbons Chloroflourocarbons were discovered in the 1920's by Thomas Midgley, an organic chemist at General Motors Corporation. He was looking for inert, non- toxic, non-flammable compounds with low boiling points that could be used as refrigerants. He found what he was looking for in the form of two compounds: dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) and trichloromonoflouromethane (CFC-11). In both compounds, different amounts of chlorine and fluorine are combined with methane, which is a combination of carbon and hydrogen. These two CFCs were eventually manufactured by E.I. du Pont de Nemours and company, and, under the trade name â€Å"freon,† constituted 15% of the market for refrigerator gases.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CFCs were the perfect answer for cooling refrigerators and air conditioners. They were easily turned into liquid at room temperature with application of just a small amount of pressure, and they could easily then be turned back into gas. CFCs were completely inert and not poisonous to humans. They became ideal solvents for industrial solutions and hospital sterilants. Another use found for them was to blow liquid plastic into various kinds of foams. In the 1930's, household insecticides were bulky and hard to use, so CFCs were created because they could be kept in liquid form and in an only slightly pressurized can. Thus, in 1947, the spray can was born, selling millions of cans each year. Insecticides were only the first application for CFC spray cans. They soon employed a number of products from deodorant to hair spray. In 1954, 188 million cans were sold in the U.S. alone, and four years later, the number jumped to 500 million. CFC filled cans were so popular that, by 1968, 2.3 billion spray cans were sold in America. The hopes of a seemingly perfect refrigerant were diminished in the late 1960's when scientists studied the decomposition of CFCs in the atmosphere. What they found was startling. Chlorine atoms are released as the CFCs decompose, thus destroying the Ozone (O3) atoms in the high stratosphere. It became clear that human usage of CF2Cl2 and CFCl3, and similar chemicals were causing a negative impact on the chemistry of the high altitude air.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When CFCs and other ozone-degrading chemicals are emitted, they mix with the atmosphere and eventually rise to the stratosphere. CFCs themselves do not actually effect the ozone, but their decay products do. After they photolyzed, the chlorine eventually ends up as â€Å"reservoir species† - they do not themselves react with ozone- such as Hydrogen Chloride, HCL, or Chlorine Nitrate, ClONO2. These than further decompose into ozone hurting substances. The simplest is as follows: (How do CFCs Destroy the Ozone) Cl + O3 -----> ClO + O2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ClO + O

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Education in Mizoram Essay

Education is the most vital process that contributes to all round development of a society. It not only brings about the best in human personality, but can also be the medium of peace and progress of a nation. Education is a critical factor in improving the quality of life of the people, in eradicating poverty and accelerating economic growth. It is the lifeline of any modern day civilization or country. â€Å"Without education, we cannot see beyond ourselves and our narrow surroundings to the reality of global interdependence. Without education, we cannot realize how peoples of other races and religions share the same dreams, the same hopes. Without education, we cannot recognize the university of human aims and aspirations. † – Kofi Annan. Mizoram is among those states where education was first initiated and popularized by the British. Missionaries were responsible for the growth and institutionalization of education in the state. The first educational institution in Mizoram was initiated by the missionaries in the Aizawl region in 1897. The educational scenario in Mizoram today as viewed from the angle of literacy is very promising – at 91. 58% and stands 2nd among the states in India, next only to Kerala, according to the 2011 Census. It is really not a figure we can much be proud of as education should be viewed from the angle of its contribution in improving the quality of life of the people and thereby eradicating poverty and accelerating economic growth, in which Mizoram is lagging behind. The main issue is that the current educational system is not able to produce employable graduates who can compete with graduates from other parts of the country. This results in the increase in unemployed graduates every year. STATE EDUCATION REFORMS COMMISSION-MIZORAM Educational system of any society needs regular changes and reforms in the light of the emerging issues, concerns and challenges. Recently, Mizoram has set up a State Education Reforms Commission with a view to promote qualitative change and reforms in the field of education. The report of the commission is an important guide towards restructuring the education system of Mizoram. The report suggests that in tune with the provisions and spirit  of ‘Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act of 2009’, the school education in the state may be readjusted. The national programmes like the SSA need to be implemented in letter and spirit. The report puts particular emphasis on pre-school education and recommends that institutions like SCERT may step in to help the state in this respect with documentation and research. The report emphasizes on the merits and applicability of open and distance learning system in supplementing the conventional and classroom based formal education and also in providing avenues for vocational education in the state. It may be pointed out here that the north-east region in general and Mizoram in particular could be developed as India’s hub for quality handicrafts and forest-based products. The report deals with some of the basic concerns of curriculum. In this connection, extra emphasis may have to be given on science and mathematics education with the application of innovative methods, kits and practices. The report also points out that with a view to achieve all-round development of the students, school curricula should have definite components of health and physical education, art education and work education. The report makes a particular reference to the provisions under Section 29 of the Right to Education Act 2009 and suggests there should not be any public examination for the students from Class I to VIII but with a continuous process of monitoring and comprehensive evaluation. A system of grading replaces the marking system. This system is currently being introduced in most private and govt. schools today with great enthusiasm from the teachers, parents and the students. The report suggests that there is an urgent need to boost enrolment of students in the colleges. As such, it recommended that so of the unviable colleges with poor enrolment records may be merged with other better functioning adjacent colleges. It also suggested that about 20% of the annual budget of higher education may be earmarked for infrastructural and instructional development in the colleges. The issues concerns and challenges of teacher education are also discussed in the report. It suggests that the existing may be strengthened with the help of additional inputs like infrastructural facilities and human resources. The report suggests upward mobility of teachers. It supports the idea of lifting of ban on new recruitments and avoidance of contractual appointment of teachers as far as practicable. The report suggests that the government should encourage professional development of school and college teachers by providing facilities like study leave, research grants, etc. SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a comprehensive and integrated flagship programme of Government of India to attain Universal Elementary Education (UEE), covering the entire country in a mission mode. SSA has been launched in 2001-2002 in partnership with the State Governments and Local Self Governments. The programme aims to provide useful and relevant, elementary education to all children in the 6 – 14 age group by 2010. It is an initiative to universalize and improve quality of education through decentralized and context specific planning and a process based, time bound implementation strategy. The programme lays emphasis on bridging all gender and social category gaps at elementary education level with time bound objectives. Its intention is clear from the name itself – Sarva meaning all, Shiksha meaning education, and Abhiyan meaning campaign. SSA adopts, â€Å"the bottom-up† process of planning, wherein the felt needs of the served communities and educational needs of learners are well taken care of and the plan fits into the broad framework of SSA. In view of the fact that the desired improvement and sustenance of the improved efficiency level cannot be achieved without the active involvement of the community in the schooling system, SSA has emphasized the involvement of local people and stakeholders in planning. This also ensures reflection of local specificity, which is essential for achieving the goals of the programme. For a brief understanding of the activities of the SSA mission, it is important to highlight some of its objectives – * The programme seeks to open new schools in those habitations which do not have schooling facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grants. * Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength are provided with additional teachers, while the capacity of existing teachers is being strengthened by extensive training, grants for developing teaching-learning materials and strengthening of the academic support structure at a cluster, block and district level. * SSA seeks to provide quality elementary education including life skills. SSA has a special focus on girl’s education and children with special needs. SSA also seeks to provide computer education to bridge the digital divide. ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY. The role of the civil society is very important for the realization of universal elementary education. For the success of the SSA Mission, the common people, voluntary organizations, NGOs, etc. has an important role to play. With reference to the Aizawl District, there are the voluntary organizations like the Y. M. A. and M. H. I. P. which had signed an agreement with the SSA for working together for the realization of the goals and objectives of the SSA Mission especially in the areas like identification of Out Of School Children, Children with Special Needs, promotion of Girls Education, and more. The SSA and these voluntary organizations work together in creating awareness and also to change the mindsets of the people against the Children with Special Needs. Also, the Mizoram Presbyterian Church works constructively with the SSA in the promotion of its goals. It is through these organizations that the common people play an important role in the SSA Mission. CONCLUSION Achievements made by Mizoram in the field of elementary education, as a result of intervention of SSA, are very much appreciable. Enrollment and retention rate are appreciably high. Dropout rate and the number of out of school children are also very low as compared to other states of the country. A good number of new school buildings have come up and existing school buildings have improved a lot. Schools have become much more attractive places for children with the installation of outdoor play equipments such as colorful slides, see saw and swings. Children seem to enjoy the Mid Day Meal provided to them on daily basis and poor and working parents are greatly relieved from their burden. Schools with inadequate number of teachers have been equipped with additional teachers. We can, therefore, conclude that quantitative expansion and improvement have been achieved to an appreciable extent in Mizoram due to the intervention of SSA. However, Mizoram has only reached the stage where quantitative expansion and improvement has been achieved. A time has come when Mizoram has to give due attention and priority to qualitative improvement. Improved infrastructural facilities, high rate of enrolment retention, low rate of drop out and out of school children are not the ends but the means to realize the goals of qualitative elementary education. The state government and the SSA authorities should not be complacent with the achievement of only quantitative expansion of elementary education; rather they should take care of aspects which can provide quality education to children in the primary and upper primary schools.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Philosophy of Religion Essay

In this paper, I will evaluate the argument Richard Swinburne offered in support of theism. I will first explain the distinction between regularities of co-presence and regularities of succession and why their understanding is necessary in understanding Swinburne’s argument. After this, I will present the arguments I have derived from the passage given, derived from Swinburne’s book. I will then proceed to identify the issues that determine whether his is a sound theory or not by explaining the premises Swinburne bases his argument on, and conclude by giving reasons why I think these objections succeed. Richard Swinburne bases the argument he offers in support of theism on regularities of succession by first stating that prior attempts by philosophers and theologies of the eighteenth century to prove the existence of God failed because they largely based their arguments on regularities of co-presence. The distinction of these regularities, according to Swinburne, is that while regularities of co-presence are patterns of spatial order at a specific instant in time, regularities of succession are the simple patterns of behavior exhibited by objects because of the external influence by the forces of nature. For example, the orderliness of the various organs within the human body and how they perform in perfect synchrony to complement each other’s functionalities is a regularity of co-presence. Regularities of succession are based on empirically derivable laws of interaction. The action of attraction and repulsion that occurs within the sub-atomic particles within an atom, and how these forces end up determining the formation of matter by biding many atoms together is an example of a regularity of succession. Swinburne offers the natural balance of the universe brought about by the mutual attraction of planetary bodies with respect to the distance between them and their weights as an illustration of the action of regularities of succession. The following is an outline of Swinburne’s argument in favor of theism. All objects within the universe, living or dead, always behave strictly according to the laws of nature (1). This is not however sufficient enough to be the basis of concluding that theism is true. There is a need to establish the cause of regularities of succession. All regularities of succession exist due to the operation of scientific laws (2), but the most fundamental regularities cannot be given an empirical explanation, and since for the purpose of this argument they must be explained anyway, this explanation must be based in the rational choices of free agents. A dancer’s movements are determined by the rhythm of the tune he or she is dancing to, and this being a regularity of succession is proof that all regulations of succession must have an agent. Similarly, an agent must be responsible for the harmony exhibited by the universe as it behaves according to the laws of nature. The universe is so harmonious and it is very wide, the powers of the agent controlling it must be very immense compared to those of the dancer who, with the freedom of choice, moves in synchrony to the rhythm of a tune (3). The most fundamental of scientific regularities, which are regularities of succession, cause other regularities of succession, and even these most fundamental regularities must have a causative agent. There can be no better explanation to the most basic regularities of succession, so we conclude that an agent bestowed with power and intelligence just like men but at a much higher degree is most likely responsible for their action, thus the proof of theism. Swinburne attributes the existence of regularities of succession to an ultimate causative agent. In his argument, he draws a comparison between the rational choice of a free agent in the simpler term and the much more complex operation of the universe, which he himself portrays as very puzzling. In his argument, infinite attributes are assumed to be simpler than infinite attributes. Furthermore, the agent controlling the universe, if its operation is similar to the exhibition of regularities of succession by simpler free agents like men, must also have had a cause. He fails to explain the cause of this agent and his argument in proof of theism contradicts itself, making it unsound. The premises Swinburne raises are largely valid until the conclusion. A reader of his work will find premise one true since scientific research has empirically established the laws of nature which define the action of objects thus making premise (1) believable. It is true, taking human beings as example that regularities of succession are exhibited as the result of rational choice. A dancer will not move to the rhythm of a tune without having made the choice to dance, and this cause-effect approach makes premise (2) very coherent. If then a being is rationally controlling the universe, his powers must be very immense making premise (3) a convincing conclusion developed from the first two premises. Swinburne argues for theism by equating simpler attributes to complex attributes. In premise (3), he inductively derives a higher probability that God exists, but as with all probabilities, any outcome is likely. Simpler attributes to the actions of objects are not given an explanation to why they are true. Swinburne fails to claim that he proves the existence of God is more probable than his non-existence. He builds his argument on the causation of regularities of succession by more fundamental regularities, but fails to give an explanation for the most fundamental of these regularities: that an immensely powerful agent is rationally controlling the universe. There is thus sufficient ground to successfully object to his argument. In this paper, I evaluated an argument Richard Swinburne offered in support of theism. I first explained the distinction he creates between regularities of co-presence and regularities. I then proceeded to explain his argument and the reasons why it is valid. After this, I considered the reasons a person would choose to think that the premises he based his argument on are true and finally presented my objection to the argument by identifying and explaining why premise (3) is not necessarily valid. My conclusion was that Swinburne did not offer a sufficient reason to believe that theism is true. ? Works Cited Swinburne, Richard. â€Å"The Argument from Design†. Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology of Contemporary Views. Ed. Melville Y. Stewart. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1996. 233-246.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Business Continuity Plan

Data Sources in Digital Forensics March 17, 2013 Joana Achiampong CSEC 650 Introduction Four sources of data that stand out for forensic investigators in most criminal investigations are files, operating systems, routers and network traffic, and social network activity. Each data source presents a variety of opportunities and challenges for investigators, meaning that the more reliable data collection and analysis activity typically involves examination of a variety of sources.Digital forensics must cover the four basic phases of activity, which include: data collection, which describes the identification and acquisition of relevant data; data examination, which includes the processing of data through the use of automated and manual tools; analysis, which describes the evaluation and categorization of examined data into coherent groups, such as their usefulness in a court proceeding; and reporting, in which the results of analysis are described with careful attention paid to recommen dations (Marcella & Menendez, 2009).The viability of each data source to an investigation must be evaluated based on how they can contribute to each phase. For example, the ability of routers and switches as a data source to help investigators might be effective in one area, but not in the other three. An examination of router activity might yield a surfeit of observable data that fails to provide diverse analytical tools that cannot be relied upon in a forensic setting. Another example is network traffic, which may yield a large amount of data that is unreliable or has a high degree of volatility (Garfinkel, 2010).Time is often essential for forensic investigators, and it is often important to know in advance the dynamics of each data source. This helps investigators avoid wasted time, or spending time analyzing data that may of minimal help in a forensic setting. For these reasons, it is important to critically assess the pros and cons of each data source for their ability to prov ide contributions. A valid assessment of each data source should be made based on consistent factors such as costs, data sensitivity, and time investment.The overall costs of each data source depend on the equipment that will be required to collect and analyze data without corruption. Costs also refer to the training and labor required during the course of the collection and analysis, which may be higher for uncommon sources that require a unique process and chain of command pattern. Data sensitivity is critical is a forensic tool, but may be more questionable depending on the source. For example, network activity can provide a wealth of information depending on the device and setting upon which data is moved.However, a network environment with many devices and multiple configurations may provide unreliable data that cannot be recognized in court proceedings. In addition, chain-of-command issues regarding the contribution of outside network analysts could compromise a source that wo uld be otherwise valid. These issues have to be considered in any data source assessment. Data Files The most common data sources in a digital forensic examination are current and deleted files. Most forensic investigators in most data retrieval environments begin with an examination of the various media store on the hard drive of a computer, network, or mobile device.The variety of types of stored data in current and deleted files, in addition to partitioned packet files and the slack space of a device’s memory, can be massive and diverse. A typical first step in data retrieval is to shut down a system and create a data grab or forensic duplicate upon which collection and analysis can be made. This ensures the integrity of the original data, while allowing investigators the ability to manipulate data however they see fit. However, this process alone creates challenges for forensic investigators, including an inability to capture live system data.This might prevent investigat ors from catching a perpetrator in the act of altering or adding data to a device or system. One of the primary benefits of files as a data source is the ability to separate and analyze the types of files, which creates a specific signature based on the content and user (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). Data can be pulled from deleted files, slack space on a system’s hard drive, or free space, all of which provides information that can be useful to investigators.The directory location and allocation type for each file informs the data that has been collected, including a time stamp and whether tools have been used to hide the data. Each of these characteristics provides investigators easy-to-access information about a system. In addition, there are a variety of hardware tools that can be used to access data. This technology is fairly common, meaning that associated costs tend to be minimal when retrieving data from files (Purita, 2006). File examination can yield a variety of type s of suspicious activity that tend to be helpful for investigators.One example is the presence of hidden evidence on file systems. This type of data can be hidden in deleted file spaces, slack spaces, and bad clusters. File space is marked as deleted when it is removed from an active directory. This data will continue to exist within a cluster of a hard disk can be identified and accessed by creating a file in Hex format and transferring the copied data. Data can also be hidden in many others ways, including by removing partitions that are created between data and by leveraging the slack space that exists between files.Attempts by users to hide data using these methods are quickly identifiable by investigators, who can then restore the data using a variety of inexpensive and efficient methods. For example, matching RAM slack to file slack identifies the size of a file and makes it easier to identify and retrieve (Sindhu & Meshram, 2012). This type of retrieval inherently emphasizes the importance of data integrity. This type of integrity is important in any forensic environment, and compromised data is usually rendered instantly unusable. The many opportunities for data retrieved from file space to be compromised are a drawback to this data source.For example, data retrieval using bit stream imaging provides a real-time copy onto a disk or similar medium. However, this can be compromised based on the fact that re-imagining of data is constantly changing during re-writing. Investigators will typically choose the type of data copy system based on what they are looking for. However, changes to data can occur if the appropriate safeguards are not taken. Write-blockers are often used to prevent an imaging process from providing data that has been compromised by writing to that media. Sindhu and Meshram 2012) stated that computing a message digest will create a verification of the copied data based on a comparison to the original. A message digest is an algorithm th at takes input data and produces an output digest. This comparison helps investigators ensure the integrity of data in many cases. There are additional pitfalls when it comes to using files as data sources. Users have different resources for eliminating or hindering data collection. One example is overwriting content by replacing it with constant values. This type of wiping function can be performed by a variety of utilities.Users can also demagnetize a hard drive to physically destroy the content stored there. Using files as a data source in this case will require a complex operation requiring different tools. Users can also purposefully misname files – for example, giving them . jpg extensions when they are not image content files – in order to confuse investigators. Investigators have to be familiar with strategies for circumventing these pitfalls, such as maintaining an up-to-date forensic toolkit and remaining committed to maintaining data integrity.In the end, fi les are very highly relied upon by investigators and are a strong source forensic data. However, investigators must be experienced and have the appropriate tools to ensure the viability of collected data. Operating Systems Generally speaking, the data that can be collected from Operating Systems (OS) is more diverse and rich than file systems data, and has greater potential to uncover application-specific events or vital volatile data specific to a network operation (Sindhu, Tribathi & Meshram, 2012).However, OS data mining can be more difficult and challenging, and often requires investigators to make quick decisions based on the type of data they are seeking. OS data mining is more case specific, in part because the retrieval of data is frequently connected to network configurations. Collecting volatile data can only occur from a live system that has not been shut down or rebooted (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). Additional activity that occurs over an individual network session is ve ry likely to compromise the OS data. For this reason, investigators have to be prepared and aware of what they are looking for.Time is of the essence in this case, and it is important to decide quickly whether or not the OS data should be preserved or if the system should be shut down. Keeping a system running during data extraction can also compromise data files. This also leaves data vulnerable to malware that has been installed by a user with bad intentions, determined to undermine the operations of investigators. The types of data that can be retrieved from the OS include network connections, network configurations, running processes, open files, and login sessions.In addition, the entire contents of the memory can be retrieved from the OS history, usually with little or no alteration of data when the footprint of retrieval activity is minimized. The order in which this data is collected typically runs in a standard succession, with network connections, login sessions, and memor y collection sitting at the top of the list or priorities. These sources are more important because they tend to change over time. For example, network connections tend to time out and login sessions can change as users log in or out.Network configurations and the files that are open in a system are less time-sensitive and fall further down the list of priorities for investigators. The forensic toolkit must be diverse to ensure that data retrieval is achieved with minimal alteration (Bui, Enyeart & Luong, 2003). In addition, the message digest of each tool should be documented, along with licensing and version information, and command logs. This careful documentation protects users from sudden loss of data or other disturbances during data retrieval.In addition, a number of accessibility issues can be implemented by users, including the placement of screen saver passwords, key remapping and log disabling features, all of which can disrupt the work by investigators, either providing unworkable obstacles or time-consuming hurdles that make complete transfer impossible. Ultimately, the use of OS as a data source is a case-by-case tool dependent on the availability of other sources and the specific needs and tools of investigators. Routers and Network TrafficAmong network configuration data sources, router activity and network sourcing has the potential to provide the most specific amount of incriminating activity for forensic use. Forensic equipment should have time stamping capabilities activated to provide an accurate time signature of network interaction between an end-user and a router or switch (Schwartz, 2011). Importantly, firewalls and routers that are tied to a network often provide network address translation which can offer additional information by clarifying configuration or additional IP addresses on a network (Huston, 2004).There are a number of tools available to people seeking an analysis of network activity, including packet sniffers and intrusi on detection systems (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). These tools help investigators examine all packets for suspicious IP addresses and special events that have occurred across a network. This data is usually recorded and analyzed so that investigators can compare unusual events to evaluate network weaknesses and special interests of would-be attackers.This is of great interests to security agents determined to identify and stop potential network intrusions. A number of technical, procedural, legal and ethical issues exist when examining and analyzing network data. It is imperative that investigators be sure to avoid disconnected from a network or rebooting a system during data retrieval. They should also rely on live data and persistent information. Finally, it is important to avoid running configuration commands that could corrupt a network or its activity (Gast, 2010).Issues such as storage of large amounts of data over a highly trafficked network and proper placement of a decryptio n device along a network can impact how data is available and whether or not it maintains integrity. It is also important to consider the ethical and legal issues of data retrieval along a network when it involves sensitive data, such as financial records and personal information like passwords. In many cases, ethical issues can be circumvented with careful documentation and the publication of organizational policies and procedures that are strictly followed.However, these are all issues that must be considered in the analysis of network trafficking as a data source. Social Network Activity The sheer volume of social network activity – such as that on Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram – makes examining it as a data source great potential as a forensic tool. To this point, the little available research on social network data has failed to come up with a comprehensive framework or set of standards for investigators. Social network tools across mobile platforms invariably have geolocation services.However, the use of these as a data source has been questioned from ethical and legal perspectives (Humaid, Yousif, & Said, 2011). The communication layer of social media applications on mobile devices can yield rich data, such as a browser cache and packet activity. Packet sniffing can expose unencrypted wifi use and third party intrusion across a social network. However, these tools are highly limited when they are restricted to social network activity. The best tools may be the ability to create a social footprint, which includes all friend activity, posted pictures and videos, communication habits, and periods of activity.For most people, this information is only available on social network websites and is not stored on a user’s hard drive. A certain climate of permissibility tends to apply to social network use, in which users are prone to making data available online that they would not otherwise expose. All of this strengthens the use of soci al networks as a data source. The greatest pitfall to social network activity is the malleability of the material. Users frequently change their habits, including the times of the day and the users with whom they connect.Cumulative social network data can be used to create a graph of all activity across a variety of factors, including time, space, usage, and devices (Mulazzani, Huber, & Weippl). But this is a rapidly changing field. There is little doubt that the cloud computing data storage and continued growth of social networks will change this field quickly, which could quickly undermine past data that has been retrieved. Potential Usefulness in Specific Events The usefulness of a data source is strictly tied to the event it is intended to investigate.It is imperative that investigators are clear on their goals prior to selecting a source to retrieve and analyze data from. For example, a network intrusion would be best tackled with an examination of network traffic, followed by social network analysis, Operating Systems, and data file systems. Network analysis is less prone to attacking strategies that can compromise file and OS data. It can observe network traffic to find anomalous entities and their entry point within a network. It can also identify source and destination data by data recovery and access to routers r other network access points (Aquilina, Casey & Malin, 2008). This is critical information for network intrusion investigations. Operating Systems enable access to volatile data, but this is limited by single-time use and data integrity issues. Most OS examinations look at network connections first, which is often another way of accessing the same data. File storage and social network analysis tend to offer peripheral views of the same material. Operating systems are the most helpful data source in malware installation investigation, followed by network traffic, data files, and social network activity.Examination of volatile data offers a ran ge of data, including network connections and login sessions, which are primary tools for finding the source of malware installation (Aquilina, Casey & Malin, 2008). Maintaining the integrity of data through quick retrieval and minimal footprints helps ensure its usefulness. At the same time, monitoring network traffic in a pro-active manner is often the surest way of pinpointing time signatures and matching them with network activity (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). The best data sources for identifying insider file deletion are data files, network traffic, social network activity and OS.Each source offers benefits for this type of investigation, but data file collection and analysis yields bad clusters and slack space, both of which pinpoint the likelihood of deleted files. Recovery can begin from this point. Network activity and OS data retrieval can lead investigators to unusual login attempts and anomalous activity in order to pinpoint the location of deleted files along a network. At the same time, social network examination can help investigators understand reasons for deleted files and even learn more about the habits and lifestyle of a likely perpetrator.In the end, a collection of each of these sources provides a rich, revealing glimpse at deleted file activity. Conclusion Network traffic, data files, operating systems, and social network activity are four common data sources in digital forensic. Each provides a unique opportunity and set of risks for investigators, and the source should be chosen based on clear objectives and awareness of all circumstances. In many cases, the best choice is a combination of sources to provide multiple opportunities to arrive at the relevant evidence.Another factor is whether the data search is reactive or pro-active, with network traffic often providing the best source of evidence in a pro-active, forward-thinking environment. The variable of time must also be considered, specifically with respect to how investigators a pproach volatile data. Each of these issues must be considered when evaluating data sources. References Aquilina, J. , Casey, E. & Malin, C. (2008). Malware forensics: Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Code. Burlington, MA: Syngress Publishing. Bui, S. , Enyeart, M. & Luong, J. (2003, May). Issues in Computer Forensics. Retrieved ttp://www. cse. scu. edu/~jholliday/COEN150sp03/projects/Forensic%20Investiga tion. pdf Garfinkel, S. (2010). Digital forensics research: The next 10 years. Digital Investigation, 7. 64-73. Gast, T. (2010). Forensic data handling. The Business Forum. Retrieved from http://www. bizforum. org/whitepapers/cybertrust-1. htm Humaid, H. , Yousif, A. & Said, H. (2011, December). Smart phones forensics and social networks. IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine, 6(4). 7-14. Huston, G. (2004, September). Anatomy: A look inside network address translators. The Internet Protocol Journal, 7(3).Retrieved from http://www. cisco. com/web/about/ac123/ac1 47/archived_issues/ipj_7- 3/anatomy. html Marcella, A. & Menendez, D. (2008). Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Data. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications. Mulazzani, M. , Huber, M. & Weippl, E. (n. d. ). Social network forensics: Tapping the data pool of social networks. SBA-Research. Retrieved from http://www. sba- research. org/wp-content/uploads/publications/socialForensics_preprint. pdf Purita, R. (2006). Computer Forensics: A valuable audit tool. Internal Auditor. Retrieved from http://www. theiia. rg/intAuditor/itaudit/archives/2006/september/computer- forensics-a-valuable-audit-tool-1/ Schwartz, M. (2011, December). How digital forensics detects insider theft. InformationWeek Security. Retrieved from http://www. informationweek. com/security/management/how-digital-forensics- detects-insider-t/232300409 Sindhu, K. & Meshram, B. (2012). A digital forensic tool for cyber crime data mining. Engineering Science and Technology: An Internati onal Journal, 2(1). 117-123. Sindhu, K. , Tripathi, S. & Meshram, B. (2012). Digital forensic investigation on file system and database tampering. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 2(2). 214-221. Business Continuity Plan Data Sources in Digital Forensics March 17, 2013 Joana Achiampong CSEC 650 Introduction Four sources of data that stand out for forensic investigators in most criminal investigations are files, operating systems, routers and network traffic, and social network activity. Each data source presents a variety of opportunities and challenges for investigators, meaning that the more reliable data collection and analysis activity typically involves examination of a variety of sources.Digital forensics must cover the four basic phases of activity, which include: data collection, which describes the identification and acquisition of relevant data; data examination, which includes the processing of data through the use of automated and manual tools; analysis, which describes the evaluation and categorization of examined data into coherent groups, such as their usefulness in a court proceeding; and reporting, in which the results of analysis are described with careful attention paid to recommen dations (Marcella & Menendez, 2009).The viability of each data source to an investigation must be evaluated based on how they can contribute to each phase. For example, the ability of routers and switches as a data source to help investigators might be effective in one area, but not in the other three. An examination of router activity might yield a surfeit of observable data that fails to provide diverse analytical tools that cannot be relied upon in a forensic setting. Another example is network traffic, which may yield a large amount of data that is unreliable or has a high degree of volatility (Garfinkel, 2010).Time is often essential for forensic investigators, and it is often important to know in advance the dynamics of each data source. This helps investigators avoid wasted time, or spending time analyzing data that may of minimal help in a forensic setting. For these reasons, it is important to critically assess the pros and cons of each data source for their ability to prov ide contributions. A valid assessment of each data source should be made based on consistent factors such as costs, data sensitivity, and time investment.The overall costs of each data source depend on the equipment that will be required to collect and analyze data without corruption. Costs also refer to the training and labor required during the course of the collection and analysis, which may be higher for uncommon sources that require a unique process and chain of command pattern. Data sensitivity is critical is a forensic tool, but may be more questionable depending on the source. For example, network activity can provide a wealth of information depending on the device and setting upon which data is moved.However, a network environment with many devices and multiple configurations may provide unreliable data that cannot be recognized in court proceedings. In addition, chain-of-command issues regarding the contribution of outside network analysts could compromise a source that wo uld be otherwise valid. These issues have to be considered in any data source assessment. Data Files The most common data sources in a digital forensic examination are current and deleted files. Most forensic investigators in most data retrieval environments begin with an examination of the various media store on the hard drive of a computer, network, or mobile device.The variety of types of stored data in current and deleted files, in addition to partitioned packet files and the slack space of a device’s memory, can be massive and diverse. A typical first step in data retrieval is to shut down a system and create a data grab or forensic duplicate upon which collection and analysis can be made. This ensures the integrity of the original data, while allowing investigators the ability to manipulate data however they see fit. However, this process alone creates challenges for forensic investigators, including an inability to capture live system data.This might prevent investigat ors from catching a perpetrator in the act of altering or adding data to a device or system. One of the primary benefits of files as a data source is the ability to separate and analyze the types of files, which creates a specific signature based on the content and user (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). Data can be pulled from deleted files, slack space on a system’s hard drive, or free space, all of which provides information that can be useful to investigators.The directory location and allocation type for each file informs the data that has been collected, including a time stamp and whether tools have been used to hide the data. Each of these characteristics provides investigators easy-to-access information about a system. In addition, there are a variety of hardware tools that can be used to access data. This technology is fairly common, meaning that associated costs tend to be minimal when retrieving data from files (Purita, 2006). File examination can yield a variety of type s of suspicious activity that tend to be helpful for investigators.One example is the presence of hidden evidence on file systems. This type of data can be hidden in deleted file spaces, slack spaces, and bad clusters. File space is marked as deleted when it is removed from an active directory. This data will continue to exist within a cluster of a hard disk can be identified and accessed by creating a file in Hex format and transferring the copied data. Data can also be hidden in many others ways, including by removing partitions that are created between data and by leveraging the slack space that exists between files.Attempts by users to hide data using these methods are quickly identifiable by investigators, who can then restore the data using a variety of inexpensive and efficient methods. For example, matching RAM slack to file slack identifies the size of a file and makes it easier to identify and retrieve (Sindhu & Meshram, 2012). This type of retrieval inherently emphasizes the importance of data integrity. This type of integrity is important in any forensic environment, and compromised data is usually rendered instantly unusable. The many opportunities for data retrieved from file space to be compromised are a drawback to this data source.For example, data retrieval using bit stream imaging provides a real-time copy onto a disk or similar medium. However, this can be compromised based on the fact that re-imagining of data is constantly changing during re-writing. Investigators will typically choose the type of data copy system based on what they are looking for. However, changes to data can occur if the appropriate safeguards are not taken. Write-blockers are often used to prevent an imaging process from providing data that has been compromised by writing to that media. Sindhu and Meshram 2012) stated that computing a message digest will create a verification of the copied data based on a comparison to the original. A message digest is an algorithm th at takes input data and produces an output digest. This comparison helps investigators ensure the integrity of data in many cases. There are additional pitfalls when it comes to using files as data sources. Users have different resources for eliminating or hindering data collection. One example is overwriting content by replacing it with constant values. This type of wiping function can be performed by a variety of utilities.Users can also demagnetize a hard drive to physically destroy the content stored there. Using files as a data source in this case will require a complex operation requiring different tools. Users can also purposefully misname files – for example, giving them . jpg extensions when they are not image content files – in order to confuse investigators. Investigators have to be familiar with strategies for circumventing these pitfalls, such as maintaining an up-to-date forensic toolkit and remaining committed to maintaining data integrity.In the end, fi les are very highly relied upon by investigators and are a strong source forensic data. However, investigators must be experienced and have the appropriate tools to ensure the viability of collected data. Operating Systems Generally speaking, the data that can be collected from Operating Systems (OS) is more diverse and rich than file systems data, and has greater potential to uncover application-specific events or vital volatile data specific to a network operation (Sindhu, Tribathi & Meshram, 2012).However, OS data mining can be more difficult and challenging, and often requires investigators to make quick decisions based on the type of data they are seeking. OS data mining is more case specific, in part because the retrieval of data is frequently connected to network configurations. Collecting volatile data can only occur from a live system that has not been shut down or rebooted (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). Additional activity that occurs over an individual network session is ve ry likely to compromise the OS data. For this reason, investigators have to be prepared and aware of what they are looking for.Time is of the essence in this case, and it is important to decide quickly whether or not the OS data should be preserved or if the system should be shut down. Keeping a system running during data extraction can also compromise data files. This also leaves data vulnerable to malware that has been installed by a user with bad intentions, determined to undermine the operations of investigators. The types of data that can be retrieved from the OS include network connections, network configurations, running processes, open files, and login sessions.In addition, the entire contents of the memory can be retrieved from the OS history, usually with little or no alteration of data when the footprint of retrieval activity is minimized. The order in which this data is collected typically runs in a standard succession, with network connections, login sessions, and memor y collection sitting at the top of the list or priorities. These sources are more important because they tend to change over time. For example, network connections tend to time out and login sessions can change as users log in or out.Network configurations and the files that are open in a system are less time-sensitive and fall further down the list of priorities for investigators. The forensic toolkit must be diverse to ensure that data retrieval is achieved with minimal alteration (Bui, Enyeart & Luong, 2003). In addition, the message digest of each tool should be documented, along with licensing and version information, and command logs. This careful documentation protects users from sudden loss of data or other disturbances during data retrieval.In addition, a number of accessibility issues can be implemented by users, including the placement of screen saver passwords, key remapping and log disabling features, all of which can disrupt the work by investigators, either providing unworkable obstacles or time-consuming hurdles that make complete transfer impossible. Ultimately, the use of OS as a data source is a case-by-case tool dependent on the availability of other sources and the specific needs and tools of investigators. Routers and Network TrafficAmong network configuration data sources, router activity and network sourcing has the potential to provide the most specific amount of incriminating activity for forensic use. Forensic equipment should have time stamping capabilities activated to provide an accurate time signature of network interaction between an end-user and a router or switch (Schwartz, 2011). Importantly, firewalls and routers that are tied to a network often provide network address translation which can offer additional information by clarifying configuration or additional IP addresses on a network (Huston, 2004).There are a number of tools available to people seeking an analysis of network activity, including packet sniffers and intrusi on detection systems (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). These tools help investigators examine all packets for suspicious IP addresses and special events that have occurred across a network. This data is usually recorded and analyzed so that investigators can compare unusual events to evaluate network weaknesses and special interests of would-be attackers.This is of great interests to security agents determined to identify and stop potential network intrusions. A number of technical, procedural, legal and ethical issues exist when examining and analyzing network data. It is imperative that investigators be sure to avoid disconnected from a network or rebooting a system during data retrieval. They should also rely on live data and persistent information. Finally, it is important to avoid running configuration commands that could corrupt a network or its activity (Gast, 2010).Issues such as storage of large amounts of data over a highly trafficked network and proper placement of a decryptio n device along a network can impact how data is available and whether or not it maintains integrity. It is also important to consider the ethical and legal issues of data retrieval along a network when it involves sensitive data, such as financial records and personal information like passwords. In many cases, ethical issues can be circumvented with careful documentation and the publication of organizational policies and procedures that are strictly followed.However, these are all issues that must be considered in the analysis of network trafficking as a data source. Social Network Activity The sheer volume of social network activity – such as that on Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram – makes examining it as a data source great potential as a forensic tool. To this point, the little available research on social network data has failed to come up with a comprehensive framework or set of standards for investigators. Social network tools across mobile platforms invariably have geolocation services.However, the use of these as a data source has been questioned from ethical and legal perspectives (Humaid, Yousif, & Said, 2011). The communication layer of social media applications on mobile devices can yield rich data, such as a browser cache and packet activity. Packet sniffing can expose unencrypted wifi use and third party intrusion across a social network. However, these tools are highly limited when they are restricted to social network activity. The best tools may be the ability to create a social footprint, which includes all friend activity, posted pictures and videos, communication habits, and periods of activity.For most people, this information is only available on social network websites and is not stored on a user’s hard drive. A certain climate of permissibility tends to apply to social network use, in which users are prone to making data available online that they would not otherwise expose. All of this strengthens the use of soci al networks as a data source. The greatest pitfall to social network activity is the malleability of the material. Users frequently change their habits, including the times of the day and the users with whom they connect.Cumulative social network data can be used to create a graph of all activity across a variety of factors, including time, space, usage, and devices (Mulazzani, Huber, & Weippl). But this is a rapidly changing field. There is little doubt that the cloud computing data storage and continued growth of social networks will change this field quickly, which could quickly undermine past data that has been retrieved. Potential Usefulness in Specific Events The usefulness of a data source is strictly tied to the event it is intended to investigate.It is imperative that investigators are clear on their goals prior to selecting a source to retrieve and analyze data from. For example, a network intrusion would be best tackled with an examination of network traffic, followed by social network analysis, Operating Systems, and data file systems. Network analysis is less prone to attacking strategies that can compromise file and OS data. It can observe network traffic to find anomalous entities and their entry point within a network. It can also identify source and destination data by data recovery and access to routers r other network access points (Aquilina, Casey & Malin, 2008). This is critical information for network intrusion investigations. Operating Systems enable access to volatile data, but this is limited by single-time use and data integrity issues. Most OS examinations look at network connections first, which is often another way of accessing the same data. File storage and social network analysis tend to offer peripheral views of the same material. Operating systems are the most helpful data source in malware installation investigation, followed by network traffic, data files, and social network activity.Examination of volatile data offers a ran ge of data, including network connections and login sessions, which are primary tools for finding the source of malware installation (Aquilina, Casey & Malin, 2008). Maintaining the integrity of data through quick retrieval and minimal footprints helps ensure its usefulness. At the same time, monitoring network traffic in a pro-active manner is often the surest way of pinpointing time signatures and matching them with network activity (Marcella & Menendez, 2008). The best data sources for identifying insider file deletion are data files, network traffic, social network activity and OS.Each source offers benefits for this type of investigation, but data file collection and analysis yields bad clusters and slack space, both of which pinpoint the likelihood of deleted files. Recovery can begin from this point. Network activity and OS data retrieval can lead investigators to unusual login attempts and anomalous activity in order to pinpoint the location of deleted files along a network. At the same time, social network examination can help investigators understand reasons for deleted files and even learn more about the habits and lifestyle of a likely perpetrator.In the end, a collection of each of these sources provides a rich, revealing glimpse at deleted file activity. Conclusion Network traffic, data files, operating systems, and social network activity are four common data sources in digital forensic. Each provides a unique opportunity and set of risks for investigators, and the source should be chosen based on clear objectives and awareness of all circumstances. In many cases, the best choice is a combination of sources to provide multiple opportunities to arrive at the relevant evidence.Another factor is whether the data search is reactive or pro-active, with network traffic often providing the best source of evidence in a pro-active, forward-thinking environment. The variable of time must also be considered, specifically with respect to how investigators a pproach volatile data. Each of these issues must be considered when evaluating data sources. References Aquilina, J. , Casey, E. & Malin, C. (2008). Malware forensics: Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Code. Burlington, MA: Syngress Publishing. Bui, S. , Enyeart, M. & Luong, J. (2003, May). Issues in Computer Forensics. Retrieved ttp://www. cse. scu. edu/~jholliday/COEN150sp03/projects/Forensic%20Investiga tion. pdf Garfinkel, S. (2010). Digital forensics research: The next 10 years. Digital Investigation, 7. 64-73. Gast, T. (2010). Forensic data handling. The Business Forum. Retrieved from http://www. bizforum. org/whitepapers/cybertrust-1. htm Humaid, H. , Yousif, A. & Said, H. (2011, December). Smart phones forensics and social networks. IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine, 6(4). 7-14. Huston, G. (2004, September). Anatomy: A look inside network address translators. The Internet Protocol Journal, 7(3).Retrieved from http://www. cisco. com/web/about/ac123/ac1 47/archived_issues/ipj_7- 3/anatomy. html Marcella, A. & Menendez, D. (2008). Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Data. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications. Mulazzani, M. , Huber, M. & Weippl, E. (n. d. ). Social network forensics: Tapping the data pool of social networks. SBA-Research. Retrieved from http://www. sba- research. org/wp-content/uploads/publications/socialForensics_preprint. pdf Purita, R. (2006). Computer Forensics: A valuable audit tool. Internal Auditor. Retrieved from http://www. theiia. rg/intAuditor/itaudit/archives/2006/september/computer- forensics-a-valuable-audit-tool-1/ Schwartz, M. (2011, December). How digital forensics detects insider theft. InformationWeek Security. Retrieved from http://www. informationweek. com/security/management/how-digital-forensics- detects-insider-t/232300409 Sindhu, K. & Meshram, B. (2012). A digital forensic tool for cyber crime data mining. Engineering Science and Technology: An Internati onal Journal, 2(1). 117-123. Sindhu, K. , Tripathi, S. & Meshram, B. (2012). Digital forensic investigation on file system and database tampering. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 2(2). 214-221.